(This '1/10th before tax' principle is many hundreds ov years old - author unknown)
This Balance Sheet Is Regarding:
'The Greater Number'
'The Largest Income Earning Group On The Planet'
The ~730 Million Average Westerners
~730 million average westerners
on wages/welfare
~$550/wk average income
x 52 weeks
$20+ trillion/yr income
(@$825/wk average => $30+ trillion/yr)
sure this group mainly pays tax
however it is not a functioning system
1/10th to global charity
then pay less tax on the remaining 90%
(activates cyclic prosperity)
$2+ trillion/yr
($3+ trillion/yr)
1.4 Billion Third World @ $38/mth
this is the humans underfed/starving
current quotes $15/mth to $60/mth
for many years it was: '$1/day was needed'
this is slightly more and in bulk
food, water, shelter, clothing
& eduction to uni
~$639 Billion/yr
~28 million refugees
many in developing countries
some millions in the west
~$15k/yr is a reasonable average
~$420 billion/yr
~100 million homeless
~$4k/yr covers 78 million in India
(close to average wage)
~$15k/yr reasonable average for ~22 million
many are in developing countries
some are in the west already on western pensions
1+ million homeless in America
~$678 billion/yr
$2+ trillion/yr
($3+ trillion/yr)
~$1737 Billion/yr
remainder spare:
we have funds toward the next needy humans
(or ~87% ov this group actually sharing 1/10th)
(or ~58% ov this group actually sharing 1/10th)
$263+ Billion/yr
(~$1.263+ Trillion/yr)
figures and amounts are all reasonable and flexible estimates
that the UN, media etc. can use as a guide
costs based on scales ov living in the countries the humans are in
India: $4k/yr
rent: Indians ~100 times less than the west
rent: westerners ~10 times less than the west
food: ~10 times less
grain in those silos only moves if accounts are paid
shipping in large quantities is also all accounts paid (bulk rates ov course)
Initially the 'Remainder spare' can go toward things like
Third World healing the blind
Medical is going DOWN
Prophecy: Like: 'Illness Eventually Stops'
illness should drop to ~5% ov the previous level
en masse this should cause taxes to drop
(main costs: welfare & hospitalization should decrease to minimums)
the 'real income' in the pocket should actually go up
this ground is '192' 'the stage'
for the remainder ov the 1000 years
the principle is to activate your 1000 characters (your 1000 Buddhas)
and produce, perform, publish etc, with 'tip jars' / (income connections) on all
(we are moving to 1000 incomes each)
from our browser history list we can tip each other for pages/artwork etc.
using meta reply-to tip addresses (on each web page etc.)
- with tip calcs to 9 decimal places
1018 spread : 10-9 to 109
not recomended to extend right to outer perimiter
Rainbow Shift on the 'cent'
US Dollar - (the great divide - energy/joules)
(non-alien energy gradients)
Internet Page Tipping
(a freedom ov choice initiative)
developed by the ferryman on:
clarified & published here:
4656 linear days ago
49 billion trillion rose petals (active channels)
7 billion people tipping:
7 billion people with 1000 characters/tip jars each
7 billion x 7 billion x 1000 = 49 billion trillion
('in' channels to the human race)
this is the internet tipping the internet
once a week or like once a month
1 button, 1 tip, all divides in nanos to all
(tips addresses from the history list)
so like if some student with:
tips say 1000 web pages from the last month
then: each automatically gets:
3 million nanos each
in 1 single button click
this would inevitably become part ov the browser function
7 trillion rose petals (active characters/channels)
(each person with 1000 characters x 7 billion people)
56 billion channels
(current paypal @8 email addresses per human)
1000 characters each with 'meta reply-to' tip addresses (email addresses)
(the stage - you being famous as andy warhol said - 15 minutes media/week)
~1,000 to ~10,000 outgoing channels/week
nano tips to reply-to addresses from your history list
~7 trillion to ~70 trillion outgoing channels/week
nano tips - to & by the human race
nano tips from your history list reply-to addresses/weekly
this should become a choice on the browsers themselves in the very near future
an ideal is:
1/10th ov the global income running through these networks
our estimate is that would need/use:
~25 crowd sourced global banks that handle to 9 decimal points
(independently owned by the people - crowd source)
machines over in the corner - no vaults - money is invisible (always was)
no-one has ever seen a dollar:
you've seen a promissory note to deliver a dollar worth ov something:
ie: some watts for some minutes
watts / volts / amps / joules / seconds are all invisible
however - everyone was happy enough to mainly trade promissory notes
the wheels ov this nature depend on movement ov actual energy &/or note/s
this is right on the movement ov energy that separated darkness and light
that 1 primordial chakra is all we have and all we will ever have
this is where it can turn hyperstate as promised by prophecy
we are what we are and that's just the way it is:
we turn energy wheels
this gene code paradigm is unprecedented
even @ 1 in 1000 ov the human race is: ~49,000 trillion active channels
by technical specification alone would:
energize and rejuvenate anything and everything involved
(nano tips: digital money to 9 decimal points)
till then the best advise is:
make sure every page has a meta: reply-to address on it
and have at least 1 functioning tip jar on your site
(this slows and curbs uncharacteristic outbusts at partys)
the paradigm goes active if you start
tipping websites 1/10th ov your income each week (as little as $1 each)
like Wikipedia, W3C, CreativeCommons, GNU, etc,
& sites who offer service yet don't sell things
& then sites who sell things & have tip jars etc etc etc..
till the full 1/10th is made up @ $1 USD ea. - as published & printed (US$1)
(this slows and curbs uncontrollable eating and associated dissorders)
we're finding 1 euro, pound, canadian dollar, yen, us dollar etc. all ok
these are some ov the current paypal minimums in their countries
a standard GoDaddy.com unlimited data and flow package
could easily handle all this (the world) for ~$14/mth
ie: farm/ab/cd/ef/gh/ij/file.txt
Naturally Occurring Paradigm Wheel
(as promised by prophecy)
I (the unified self) have a 1000 year commitment to truth in all things (top 5% comedy & lyric)
committed to live 1000 years on the natural ground reality (body/mind/psyche/spirit)
(the grandé realization)
as the only surviving volunteer graduate 'we the people' are:
committed to run these temple maps as the ark (razors edge - 1000 years)
as a human being (1/4 universal octave) as a character
that is 1000 characters in the movie ov our own life (continuous)
(comedy, music, art etc.)
to entertain people enough to recieve 'tips' (1/10th to 'time')
and move 'time' (the ark: 'New Earth') way into 'the future'
as the princple ov ground living is 1/10th income to global charity from 'all'
and people move to the 'arts' (as 1000 characters)
ground living (staring in the movie ov your own life)
gradually becomes like a 1000 year party (1000 years ov paradise)
by definition: this is a '1000 year charity gala ball'
to which all are invited to live/attend/activate/participate
we are inside the 'great seal' now (on the USD$ 1)
the 'great seal' is the 250 line re: the budhist 108 line (same scale)
this is known as the '1/4 universe octave', ARK, GRAIL, guilded cage, etc.
we are now in this contained space for the remainder ov the 1000 years
the ferryman delivers people to 'the afterlife' aka 'paradise'
we (as psychopomp) have delived you (the human race)
to 6 dimensions within the previous reality (that old fireball called 'earth')
(now some billion billion billion light years away)
via quantum astrometrics as promised in prophecy to 'paradise'
(same NAME place as where the ferryman delivers people)
as an 'astrometrics slider' (psychopomp)
we now have the oportunity via prophecy to relieve you ov USD$1
the reason for this is that here, afterlife, even earth (in time) if we had stayed
all have the 'ELIXIR OV LIFE' kick in at some point
this is a wildly infinite hydro-dynamic energy set/system/paradigm
being relieved ov your dollar you get INFINITY-1
if you have not tipped you get INFINITY
for any bio-organic being to experience INFINITY just plain does a few things
options are:
'turn to stone', vaporize, disappear, vanish,
get sucked into a wormhole etc, etc, etc.
got a bit like in Æon Flux (movie)
Medusa is 'THE ELIXIR OV LIFE' gone darkside
the other side ov the same coin - so to speak
vis à vis prophecy has it all summed up as:
'turn to stone for 100 years'
and your 'spirit' remains on and roams 'the shores ov the planes ov mare'
(a 100 year nightmare)
for the sake ov a website tip ov USD$1 all is covered
Charon's obol
Medusa on the reverse - those who don't pay TURN TO STONE
the fare and multiple references to currency (energy/money) in the afterlife
this is some detail found on mythology ov those refusing to pay the fare
we worked on this for 2 years to try and avoid bringing this public
we have quantum leaped the entire planet to: new earth, paradise, (new) eden, etc.
loosely related to: 'hereafter', 'afterlife', etc.
(all go active with 'THE ELIXIR OV LIFE' at a time unknown to us - soon-ish)
(to wander the banks ov archeron for 100 years)
Medusa - the other side ov Charon's obol
(shown in 'King of Thorn' a world gripped by petrification)
you really should consider:
this ground is new eden, new earth, the promised land, israel, earth 2, etc..
this is the land ov the souls
only those in truth can function on the ground (otherwise expelled to the astral planes)
these souls in themselves do not/should not have souls
you vessels we're quantum leaped here ('delivered') some
18+ linear years ago
here we are 2144 times SMALLER (6 dimensions within)
a screen on earth would measure ~ 1 billion billion billion light years accross from here
soon we should consider renaming this planet
this path keys ov progression are quite well known
leading right to new eden (the hyper garden)
Universal Theory has details on when armageddon occurred over a decade ago
also how our base domain was registered the very day after (the phoenix)
we've had the leap though 'the eye ov the needle'
the matrix (astrometrics) has all been worked out
the holy egg ov abundance has been openned (aupre art)
(links in next section - 'table ov abundance')
ask yourself - where the hell did global warming go
it was on every channel 24/7 before the quantum leap more than
18 linear years ago
(impending doom was a 'type' ov 'obey')
that was the sign as told by prophecy
(it shall be on every channel every day)
here we have 'global cooling' (about 1 degree a year and slowing)
we now have 'ABUNDANT GLOBAL FOOD' (more than we could possibly eat)
we now have mastered 'GEOTHERMAL' (like 100 times more efficient than coal)
this gives us:
ABUNDANT HYDROGEN (fuel for everything)
ABUNDANT ELECTRICITY (fuel for everything else)
ABUNDANT WATER (for everything - 'de-salinated')
we now have 49 BILLION TRILLION channels to plug in (the rose wheel)
thing is they sound obvious however they are actually new
this type ov energy system should rejuvenate the human race
centainly turn us into some type ov cyber hyperstate beings
straight from 'darkness and light' ov GENESIS
we just plain did not have most ov those things
on ye old fiery planet
you really should try to bring yourself up to 'current'
a short book/site explaining zion principles,
how the jump to new earth was made,
energy, rejuvenation, the fountain, the elixir etc etc...
(about 2-10 minutes per page - last page is longer: 12 pages total)
all 'public domain' & 'royalty free'
(yours to do as you like with - 'prosper', 'sell', 'trade' etc.)
(no amounts owing or due to the artist/creator - both now & in the future)
handling these self-generating artworks can literally
give you prosperity as promised by prophecy
primarily as an 'art dealer' and/or 'artist'
this is designed as 'big art' (10 feet wide stuff)
ideal as 10 foot paste-ups from A4 home printers
also hanging in vacated buildings as an 'art gallery'
quick, simple, walk out the door stuff
art gallery full ov new earth regenerative art
(all publicdomain)
many suitable for world art gallerys, media, your room, your shop,
the corporate wall, movies, magazines, record/cd/dvd covers
this is the phantasmic pyramid promised giving prosperity for any who use it
everyone is an artist
aupre.com's page on how why and so on about this phantasmic art
and how this art can be 'your prosperity'
and may even help some ov the third world
you can sell/trade/modify/re-sign/distribute/profit/prosper/etc...
and way you like
this is where the aupre art
can provide you the castle and mercedes benz
so many we're waiting for
this is how a prime button could appear
this example leads to the publicdomain.aupre.com page
your button on your site would lead to ie. your paypal payment page
how much
well that's up to you
the art is 'no charge' (we have tip jars)
you can even generate more abundant art yourself from it if you like
your costs would be minimal or '0'
sites like deviantart.com handle the, printing, frame, delivery etc...
you keep the margin that you determined at the start
there are many sites that handle all this for you
just send in the jpg's and they'll send you the difference (margin) as they sell
you could load all the 'already blown up artworks'
on say 'deviantart.com'
and away you go - sell a bucket load (all over the world)
then you could blow up some others at your leisure
or what about a shop in downtown paris
fully stocked with this stuff ready to go out the door
on board/canvas etc 6 to 10 feet wide
you could let links.aupre.com know (if you like)
and place your banner (or have one made)
on the 'art links' page (at no cost to you)
possibly some profit would best go into 'site advertising, etc...'
to let people know you have art for sale
and the principle is expansionary (gets bigger)
abundant food, water, clean fuel, art, prosperity
we can produce food for 120 billion
we have electricty and fuel (hydrogen) for 1+ million years
this is utopia - the land ov abundance
why would we give you all this - because we love you
Industrial Concept Designs
- public domain industrial concept designs
- new rear hyper swingarm for bicycles / motorcycles
(front and rear wheel moving on ~same axis (ultra-smooth)
floating '4 point contact' for rear swingarm
- new power pipe for 2 stroke racing engines (10 x normal power spread)
(expansion chamber alters 'tuned length' in line with rpm)
('on the pipe' like from ~5,000 to ~12,000 rpm)
HyperEight Ultra Drive
- new crank position design for 8 cylinder engines - hyperdrive
8 cylinders lined up to make one hyper wave (to run as a hyper-single)
(like playing 8 records at once - in correct sync)
('spaceman pilot' advised to test this one)
(may flip through time and space - and not come back)
generator at 10 channel script stage - midi patch needed
currently running and operational
this generator is a re-write ov the generator that woke the 'EYE OV ZION'
as hard as we try - just can't seem to get it closer to you
at some point the world needs to pick this up and run with it
this is not critically accurate and is classified 'loose'
written as base trigonometry
just the way the eye ov zion (aspect ov self) wants it
keeping in mind that 'infinity itself' is an 'unattainable'
and any generator/paradigm was always to be some small distance away
currently 'adjustable music tempo' with 8 refs per cycle
development should enable everyone as a musician
this generator should re-write dance music
aka 'the day the music died'
if coins are thrown into say a designated fountain somewhere in the third world
and gradually collected to total around $1 to be made as a group donation
all is well
if however the coins are removed / taken / stolen / whatever
and the payment is never made or is short
this has no effect on the connection made
if however someone throws the coin into the fountain knowing, hoping etc.
that they will succeed in removing it themselves (unseen)
or any other non genuine variation
then NO CONNECTION is made
the connection is between youself and your own nature
with a slight reduction from 100%
this keeps the person from annihilating / turning to stone
connection is made as the coin is thrown into the fountain
(immunize the whole planet in one payment)
if we go to scenario ov:
people publicly turning to stone all over the world
ala: 'rocky horror show' (all visitors turn to stone - razors edge based)
(the most successful public stage show in the world)
or 'king ov thorn' (all turn to stone except 8 - razors edge based)
then one complete payment just may work
based on the principle that the 'coins' did not have to be part ov the estate
ie: in greek culture 'friends', 'relatives' or a 'benefactor' usually provided the coins
as the elixir gradually kicks in and flows go hyperstate
after war has been replaced by global charity
and the ships carrying food keep right on going
global prosperity goes through the roof
and it becomes very clear to all concerened that:
we are actually in paradise
then a tip jar to the benefactor
should return the initial cost
plus a healthy (possibly ongoing) margin
@time ov publication:
we have recieved about $12 in internet tips
with small gifts:$2000 to $3000
disability pension: ~$350,000
so about ~350,000+ Humans would Currently Survive
and we could still function as a planet in a Limited Sense
this is how we break it down and feed the world with it:
~$468 billion / ~720 million people / ~52 weeks = ~$12.50 / wk (average each)
so lets look at the 720 million westerner wages/welfare income
@ average ~$550+/wk for 52 weeks it is ~$20+ TRILLION / yr
going at 10% to the global bottom line gives $2+ TRILLION / yr
however at the moment ~$468 billion / yr will hopefully get us by
we need the westerners on wages/welfare
to share at least ~$12.50 ov their weekly income
with the global bottom line (world charity)
this is a stop gap to rescue the third world today
if you really want to help quickly end the third world
(and are also concerned with the homeless in the rest ov the world)
that would be straight to 10% ov all income weekly to global charity
(instead ov ~$2+ trillion/yr going into western real estate
and even further falsely inflating the values)
============= sub note ===========
this 'charity' process can open your whole major arcana
ie: add the fame ov andy warhol's 15 minutes (per week) and prosperity:
1000 characters, 1000 tip jars, costumes, advertise, invest, publish, tip,
basically run off with the circus (metaphorically)
just for starters to get you going
========== end sub note ==========
end note:
life has 'purpose' now
you become a 'humanitarian'
you are classified as part ov 'charitable society'
you 'prosper' naturally (ventures tend to succeed now)
your continual 'hunger' subsides and converts to 'need'
you continual 'thirst' eases
you soon forget 'anger'
mostly tax-deductible thereby increasing tax returns
Charitable Society Rarely Visit Hospital
en masse (more than 95% ov everyone)
overloaded hospitals decrease to ~5% ov previous numbers
decreased load on welfare & hopsitals should lower tax
'income' (what's left after charity & tax) should actually go up
we urge you to consider this sound economic plan ov sharing at least ~$12.50/wk